
This is the first in a series of short posts where I will describe some of the tools that I use daily. There is no particular order to things, just a stream of thought if you will.

So, Hugo. Static site generator, written in Go (one of my favourite programming languages), blazingly fast, easy to use, plays well with Netlify, and Stackbit. What I love about it in particular, is that there’s a single executable provided, that allows you to easily manage your site. You can use it to create reveal.js-style presentations, or even create a simple API.

I use Hugo to host my personal profile page, this blog, as well as a couple of websites for family and friends. If you think creating content using code editor is not your forte, you can plug in the Netlify CMS (Stackbit allows you to do it at the beginning of your project).

So basically, you can host your page for free (via Github), either publically or privately, serve it for free or almost free via Netlify, and edit it in humane way. Sounds like a win for me.

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